[Free Download] Manage Your Network and Security All in One: A brief to SASE platform

According to Cloudflare, since the start of the pandemic, there’s been a 80% increase in remote knowledge workers, 23% increase in cloud adoption and 138% increase in ransom DDos and ransomware attacks. 

Are You Facing These Challenges? 

  • Point solution overload is leading to higher costs, unwanted network complexities, and increasing blindspots 
  • Current tools for remote access such as VPNs are granting excessive trust
  • Difficult to prevent data loss without control/visibility into how employees are accessing and sharing corporate data

SASE platform has been seen as a powerful tool to secure access to cloud-based data, services and application. Gartner expects that “By 2025, at least 60% of enterprises will have explicit strategies and timelines for SASE adoption encompassing user, branch and edge access, up from 10% in 2020.” 

Download this brief of SASE platform to understand how SASE platform is a key to fast and secure access to cloud-based applications and data and upgrades your security strategy.

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A brief of SASE platform

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